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Understanding Textures with Jonathan Hardesty
How would you paint something slimy? How would you make something look metallic? Textures are a key visual tool in an artist’s repertoire.In this course, I will help you understand and recreate textures of all kinds. Each lesson will have three textures to study, which we will first rate according to specific categories such as gloss level, reflectivity, edge breakup, etc.
I will then provide a demos of each texture study that you can paint along with at your own speed.
Lastly, I will combine and utilize all of the textures from the lesson into an interesting study. This three-step process will make it easy for you to understand textures and apply them to your own work.
Unlike other Schoolism classes, I will be expanding this course on an ONGOING basis with new content being added at regular intervals. More and more textures will be covered with each new lesson that arrives, so even if you finish everything today, you can check back in a few months and learn something new!