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Contains twelve routines, plus a whole section by Al Goshman, King of the Sponge Balls. Featured is the famous Senator Crandall routine which Don Alan did for Ed Sullivan.
Other routines include: Ghost Balls, Three Ball Trick, Big and Little Balls, Silver and Sponges, Leaping Leprechauns, Passe Passe Sponges, Spicy Sponges, Crandall's Original Routine, Gen. Grant's Favorite, Surprise Finish for Rabbit Routine, Multi-ball, etc.
Tricks range from beginner's stuff to those for the expert. A little practice makes it possible for anyone to learn sponge tricks.
- Goshman's Sponge Routine
- The Ghost Balls
- Three Ball Trick
- Big And Little Balls
- Silver And Sponge
- Leaping Leprechauns
- Passe Trick
- Spicy Sponges
- Crandall's Original Routine
- Around The Block
- Favorite Sponge Routine
- Surprise Finish
- Multiball
1st digital edition 2013, 47 pages.
word count: 14020 which is equivalent to 56 standard pages of text