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Six Bits, Another Six Bits and Six Bits More By Frank M. Chapman
Get all 18 amazing card tricks, tips and ideas from Frank Chapman's acclaimed "Six Bits" booklets (Six Bits, Another Six Bits and Six Bits More) in a single PDF download. Effects include: Harry Bernard's bold, brilliant and workable Vanishing Deck; a terrific Card to Wallet where the wallet is ungaffed and your hand is seen empty before removing the rubber-banded wallet from your coat; a beautiful subtlety for locating a card that was merely peeked at; and much more extremely clever card magic, including a number of mental card effects.
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GET ALL THREE FRANK CHAPMAN "SIX BITS" BOOKLETS (THE SERIES)...Get all 18 amazing card tricks, tips and ideas from Frank Chapman's acclaimed "Six Bits" booklets (Six Bits, Another Six Bits and Six Bits More) in a single PDF download. Effects include: Harry Bernard's bold, brilliant and workable Vanishing Deck; a terrific Card to Wallet where the wallet is ungaffed and your hand is seen empty before removing the rubber-banded wallet from your coat; a beautiful subtlety for locating a card that was merely peeked at; and much more extremely clever card magic, including a number of mental card effects.