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Docc Hilford Psychic Pitch DVD Retail Price: $250 Docc Hilford has packaged the essence of the independent showman. He has put together a blueprint for complete performing independence, based on his years of pitching and doing readings. He has taken his experiences and put them together into a package that is unlike anything ever published before: Doccâe(tm)s Psychic Pitch, a new ACME release from Flora & Company. This package, which includes two videos and all of the printed material needed, is being sold in a limited edition. âe(tm)s what Docc has crafted. A person walks up to his joint, gets an immediate personality reading, is told their name, sign, and birthdate. A complete chart is done for them, and then the question most on their mind is answered. And, along the way, they give you money. The pitch is so fine, the reading so accurate, and the experience is so much fun, that they really want to give you their money. On the first video, youâe(tm)ll see the whole set-up, and youâe(tm)ll see Docc in action with the public at a county fair. Youâe(tm)ll see the joint, and watch Docc as he does his thing for lots of different people. On the second video, youâe(tm)ll sit in on a complete tutorial. After a full day, Docc took us back to his motel room, and showed and told the whole story to Dr. Jon Aase. Jon asks the kinds of questions