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David Devlin loves packet tricks. This new eBook contains nine of David's best packet tricks. (Volume two in this series is Packet Racket II.) Some use normal cards, some use gaffs, and some are impromptu. If you think you're getting a book about packet tricks that only magicians will appreciate, think again! This book is a terrific collection of tricks for laymen, restaurant workers, bar magicians, close-up workers, and everyone in between.
All of the tricks in this eBook are packet tricks, but most tend to have a feel of something a little bigger. Most of the effects use standard packet trick methodology such as easy switches, false counts and false displays, which are all within the reach of any card worker.
In this eBook, you will receive:
Las Vegas Passover
This is an ungaffed version of Simon Aronson's wonderful effect, "Red See Passover". A selected card from a blue-backed packet of cards travels invisibly to a red-backed packet of cards. This seems totally impossible!
Oh, we should mention that the spectators count the cards in each packet before and after the transportation, and removes the blue-backed cards from the red-backed packet themselves! The magic is very hands-off.
Joker Poker Outdone
A packet of five cards is shown to be made up of all Jokers. A single joker is placed face down on the table. This is the "hole card". The rest of the Jokers instantly turn into the 10, Jack, Queen, and King of Spades. The card on the table is shown to still be a Joker. The magician instantly (and almost visibly) changes the final Joker into the Ace of Spades, completing the royal flush.
Once again, this is ungaffed and can be done impromptu. That said, the description will give you a way to slightly gaff a couple of the cards to give you a cleaner effect at the end, but this is not necessary to perform the effect.
This effect was inspired by several people including Ed Marlo, Phil Goldstein (namely the trick, "Overture" from his wonderful book, Focus, and was originally published in the March 1981 issue of Genii), Dr. Daley, Dai Vernon, Tom McCarthy, and a few others.
What is amazing about this routine is that it is totally impromptu, and can be done with borrowed cards. There are no gimmicks, and no extra cards.
"This is great! It really is amazing how much mileage you can get with only four cards, and a small handful of sleights." - J.C. Wagner (r.i.p.)
Salad Dressing
This is a 3-phase Oil and Water routine that is easy to do, yet will fry the minds of your spectators. The plot is simple. You show 3 red cards and 3 black cards. You then alternate them, but the colors separate in an instant with NO sleight of hand! This is repeated, only this time the colors DO alternate. However, the colors instantly separate with a quick flourish. The final phase is an attempt to show the spectators why the trick is so simple. Once again the colors are alternated. You then place 3 of the cards to the left and 3 cards to the right. It is pointed out that for the colors to separate only the center cards of each packet need to be switched. Each pile is then slowly and cleanly turned face down. A snap of your fingers and the piles are turned face up to show that the colors have once again separated!
"This is one of the best Oil & Water Routines I have ever seen!" - Paul Harris
Toss My Salad
This is another Oil and Water effect, the majority of which is impromptu and can be performed with any deck. However, if you want to go the extra mile, there is a special gaffed deck that can really make this effect a show-stopper.
Jump Back Jokers, no wait, aces!
A packet of four jokers is shown. One joker is put away, yet it instantly returns to the packet, and you still have four jokers. You offer to repeat the effect, but magicians never do the same trick twice. So, you offer to do a trick with the four aces. The jokers instantly change into the four aces! You are left totally clean and there are no gaffs whatsoever! You can now go into your favorite Four Ace Routine.
The performer tosses a packet of 7 arbitrary cards face up onto the table. A spectator mixes the cards till content. The performer takes the packet and tears it in half along its width, creating two packets.
The spectator mixes each half packet. When satisfied that each packet has been mixed, the spectator hands one of the packets to the performer, and keeps one for him. The performer and the spectator mix their packets thoroughly, even trading packets if desired. After the mix, the packets are replaced on the table, and shown to be totally without order.
The performer picks up a pile and so does the spectator. A "random sorting and elimination procedure" now takes place until one half card remains from each packet. The two half cards match. The discarded cards are now turned face down to show that all the cards came from a red-backed deck. The "selected" half cards are turned face down. It came from a blue-backed deck! This is stupidly simple, but it has fried many magicians who should know better.
Vanishing Point
A four of a kind is shown front and back. One at a time they turn any face cards. Instantly, all four cards return. Only four cards are used! This one is perfect for walk-around and restaurant workers. The reset is less than one second!
You also get David's patter, which is based on the opening monologue from the motion picture, "The Prestige".
The Gypsy Hex
This is David's devastating handling of Peter Kane's "The Gypsy Curse". David has totally reworked the routine so that each card changes one at a time, and almost visually.
David also gives you his exact patter for this mind-bending routine! (You will need the standard "Gypsy Curse" set of cards, which is available from any magic dealer, and is very inexpensive)
Various Sleights
No, this is not a trick. This is a "bonus chapter" that goes over many of the sleights and subtleties that are needed in order to perform the effects in the eBook.
All of the tricks in this eBook are packet tricks, but most tend to have a feel of something a little bigger. Most of the effects use standard packet trick methodology such as easy switches, false counts and false displays, which are all within the reach of any card worker.
In this eBook, you will receive:
Las Vegas Passover
This is an ungaffed version of Simon Aronson's wonderful effect, "Red See Passover". A selected card from a blue-backed packet of cards travels invisibly to a red-backed packet of cards. This seems totally impossible!
Oh, we should mention that the spectators count the cards in each packet before and after the transportation, and removes the blue-backed cards from the red-backed packet themselves! The magic is very hands-off.
Joker Poker Outdone
A packet of five cards is shown to be made up of all Jokers. A single joker is placed face down on the table. This is the "hole card". The rest of the Jokers instantly turn into the 10, Jack, Queen, and King of Spades. The card on the table is shown to still be a Joker. The magician instantly (and almost visibly) changes the final Joker into the Ace of Spades, completing the royal flush.
Once again, this is ungaffed and can be done impromptu. That said, the description will give you a way to slightly gaff a couple of the cards to give you a cleaner effect at the end, but this is not necessary to perform the effect.
This effect was inspired by several people including Ed Marlo, Phil Goldstein (namely the trick, "Overture" from his wonderful book, Focus, and was originally published in the March 1981 issue of Genii), Dr. Daley, Dai Vernon, Tom McCarthy, and a few others.
What is amazing about this routine is that it is totally impromptu, and can be done with borrowed cards. There are no gimmicks, and no extra cards.
"This is great! It really is amazing how much mileage you can get with only four cards, and a small handful of sleights." - J.C. Wagner (r.i.p.)
Salad Dressing
This is a 3-phase Oil and Water routine that is easy to do, yet will fry the minds of your spectators. The plot is simple. You show 3 red cards and 3 black cards. You then alternate them, but the colors separate in an instant with NO sleight of hand! This is repeated, only this time the colors DO alternate. However, the colors instantly separate with a quick flourish. The final phase is an attempt to show the spectators why the trick is so simple. Once again the colors are alternated. You then place 3 of the cards to the left and 3 cards to the right. It is pointed out that for the colors to separate only the center cards of each packet need to be switched. Each pile is then slowly and cleanly turned face down. A snap of your fingers and the piles are turned face up to show that the colors have once again separated!
"This is one of the best Oil & Water Routines I have ever seen!" - Paul Harris
Toss My Salad
This is another Oil and Water effect, the majority of which is impromptu and can be performed with any deck. However, if you want to go the extra mile, there is a special gaffed deck that can really make this effect a show-stopper.
Jump Back Jokers, no wait, aces!
A packet of four jokers is shown. One joker is put away, yet it instantly returns to the packet, and you still have four jokers. You offer to repeat the effect, but magicians never do the same trick twice. So, you offer to do a trick with the four aces. The jokers instantly change into the four aces! You are left totally clean and there are no gaffs whatsoever! You can now go into your favorite Four Ace Routine.
The performer tosses a packet of 7 arbitrary cards face up onto the table. A spectator mixes the cards till content. The performer takes the packet and tears it in half along its width, creating two packets.
The spectator mixes each half packet. When satisfied that each packet has been mixed, the spectator hands one of the packets to the performer, and keeps one for him. The performer and the spectator mix their packets thoroughly, even trading packets if desired. After the mix, the packets are replaced on the table, and shown to be totally without order.
The performer picks up a pile and so does the spectator. A "random sorting and elimination procedure" now takes place until one half card remains from each packet. The two half cards match. The discarded cards are now turned face down to show that all the cards came from a red-backed deck. The "selected" half cards are turned face down. It came from a blue-backed deck! This is stupidly simple, but it has fried many magicians who should know better.
Vanishing Point
A four of a kind is shown front and back. One at a time they turn any face cards. Instantly, all four cards return. Only four cards are used! This one is perfect for walk-around and restaurant workers. The reset is less than one second!
You also get David's patter, which is based on the opening monologue from the motion picture, "The Prestige".
The Gypsy Hex
This is David's devastating handling of Peter Kane's "The Gypsy Curse". David has totally reworked the routine so that each card changes one at a time, and almost visually.
David also gives you his exact patter for this mind-bending routine! (You will need the standard "Gypsy Curse" set of cards, which is available from any magic dealer, and is very inexpensive)
Various Sleights
No, this is not a trick. This is a "bonus chapter" that goes over many of the sleights and subtleties that are needed in order to perform the effects in the eBook.