Mathematical Magic is exactly what its name implies - entertaining tricks, stunts, and effects that can be performed using numbers or objects, such as calendars and playing cards based on numerical principles. These tricks are amazingly simple and require only a few additional props, such as string, coins, or matches, nothing elaborate or professional. With a little practice and some patter, any amateur can put on a performance like a real professional.
The fascinating properties of numbers and the strange coincidences connected with them have been the subject of many books, and mathematical puzzles in endless variety are an inexhaustible source of amusement to everyone who likes brain-twisters. This ebook goes a step beyond such puzzles by using numerical peculiarities for ingenious and baffling entertainment.
Excerpt from the Foreword:
One of the most enjoyable aspects of Mathematical Magic is that you need not be a magician or a mathematician to be able to enjoy, understand, and actually demonstrate the various principles and stunts described in this book.
- Foreword
- Chapter 1. Magic with Numbers
- The Multi-Player
- A Matter of Age
- The Fibonacci Series
- Finding a Number
- The Cycloid
- The Numbers Game
- Chapter 2. The Magic of Shape
- The Moebius Strip
- The Tabor Handkerchiefs
- The Jumping Rubber Band
- The Linking Clips
- The Shoe Laces
- Houdini’s Coat Escape
- Rope Monte
- Chapter 3. Calendar Magic
- Horizontal Figuring
- Vertical Figuring
- Squares and Blocks
- Rectangles
- The Birthday Paradox
- Days and Dates
- Date Choice
- Stover’s Prediction
- Any Day Called For
- Chapter 4 Mental Magic
- Variation on a Theme
- Hand-Writing Divination
- Think of a Card
- Canar’s Think of a Card
- Red, White, and Blue
- The Book Test
- Hummer’s Three Object Divination
- Chapter 5 Magic Squares
- The Basic Square
- Odd-Cell Squares
- Even-Cell Magic Squares
- Applications of Standard Magic Squares
- Set Squares
- Their Move
- Costello’s Tic Tac Toe
- Chapter 6 Magic with Ordinary Objects
- Dinner Ware
- Avis’ Variation
- Personality Test
- A Matchical Experiment
- Out Of Time
- One To Eight
- Time and Money
- Chapter 7 Magic with Playing Cards
- The Mathemagician
- Relatively Speaking
- Two Hummer Gems
- The Spirit Mathematician
- The College Bet
- Counter Cards
- The Four Queens
1st edition 1964, 187 pages; PDF 121 pages.
word count: 47043 which is equivalent to 188 standard pages of text