This is Devin Knight's New and improved version of the Knight's Tour. This is the Knight's Tour on steroids. It takes this classic of magic and turns it into a real masterpiece of mentalism that has climaxes that pack a wallop! You can do some mind-boggling effects with the Knight's Tour that have never been possible before, including a prediction that seems completely impossible.
In the past, the Knight's Tour has been featured by such famous magicians as, Peter Reveen, David Berglas, and Ricky Jay. Now you can add this effect to your act and have your audiences on the edges of their seats as you race against the clock to keep your show fee!
You show the audience a large vertical chessboard, hanging on a tripod, with clear plastic pockets over each square. Each pocket contains a number card, representing the number of the square on a chessboard. You quickly explain the Knight's Tour and the ways a knight can move on the chessboard. You tell your audience that you will do the Knight's Tour and will go to every square on the chessboard without landing on the same square twice. You further state that you will attempt to do it in less than five minutes or forfeit your show fee! Now your audience is intrigued. Will you lose your show fee or triumph?
This version of the Knight's Tour is very visual and entertaining to an audience. No confusing lines to draw, just number cards that are quickly removed from pockets over the chessboard. This is similar to the version that Reveen used where he turned down numbers, but uses Devin Knight's revolutionary method!
In less than five minutes, you complete the tour and your show fee is safe. No chance of failure and your show fee is never at risk! You do this without memorization or looking at a hidden cue-card. This is where the OLD versions end...but with this version, you go beyond and do things that don't seem possible.
In this version, an audience member is given a FREE choice of any starting square for you to start the tour. You point to an envelope that is clipped to the chessboard. Inside is a prediction. The prediction is removed and shown. In big red numbers, you have PREDICTED the number that was just called out. No stooges, No Forces, No nail-writers or other forms of secret writing. Believe it or not, this prediction is almost self-working!
Want more? How about this, a person FREELY chooses a number from 1 to 64. No force of any kind. He does not tell you or the audience the number he has in mind. He is asked to concentrate on the number while you do the tour; you tell him you will end the tour on his number. You complete the tour and then ask him to tell everyone the number he was thinking of. IT IS THE SAME NUMBER YOU ENDED THE TOUR ON! Baffling beyond words and the self-working method lets you do this with NO PRE-SHOW work. The person does not write his number down in this version. Yet, you unfailingly end the tour on his number.
All of the above effects are done without the aid of any memorization! Can be seen on the largest stages! No electronics or secret assistants needed. Only one-man methods are used. Nothing to build, all you need is a large hanging chessboard. In this manual, Devin gives you his secret wholesale source to buy the board for a low price. Everything you need comes with the chessboard kit you buy except for some blank index cards which you can buy locally.
This is a 36 page do-it-yourself manual giving all the details on how to do this without any memorization. You also get directions for several other versions of the Knight's Tour, including a close-up version.
"I just received the new Knight's Tour Excalibur and I am very impressed. There is so much more to the script than just the technique. I love the way you elevated a demonstration of good memory or good math to a real mental feat. GREAT!" - Stefan Olschewski"This is an impressive collection of ideas that will enable anyone to do a very powerful, easy-to-do version, of the Knight's Tour. If you don't do a Knight's Tour, and you'd like to do one or you'd like to do an easier version than the methods that already exist, then this book is definitely worthy of your attention." - Jheff
"I just finished reading this e-book with my head spinning with ideas! Be prepared though as you read this. Just when you think Devin has fully explained a version to perform...WHAM!...He gets you again with a whole new presentation with more devious ideas that elevates the previous one mentioned. Devin provides you with so many versions and variations, I feel like a kid in a big candy store, deciding what to get. In my opinion, Devin's book "Knight's Tour Excalibur" is the definitive treatise on the subject of The Knight's Tour!" - Robert Marsi
1st digital edition 2012, 36 pages.
word count: 12300 which is equivalent to 49 standard pages of text