An impossible dual deck ACAAN.
Imagine performing a stunning ACAAN-style effect over video chat using two separate decks - one in your hands and one completely out of your control in your spectator's possession. Double Cross ACAAN blends the principles of "Do as I Do" and ACAAN to create a truly impossible experience.
Both you and your spectator shuffle your own decks. They freely select a card and a number, and you do the same. Despite the total fairness, an unbelievable coincidence occurs: in both decks - yours and the one remotely controlled by the spectator - the chosen cards appear at the exact named positions.
Everything happens in real-time, under seemingly impossible conditions, making this effect feel like pure magic. Designed for impromptu performances with no gimmicks, Double Cross ACAAN works seamlessly over video calls or in person with two decks. A single-deck variation also ensures an equally mind-blowing climax.
A true magician-fooler that leaves no room for doubt.