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Derek Lever's Magic Mag, Volume 2
Published by Derek Lever, Peter C. Woolley & Taurus Magic, Manchester & Bury, Lancaster, England
Volume 2 consists of 6 issues, 264 pages total
Volume 2, Number 1, October/November 1980, 40 numbered pages plus 4 unnumbered cover pages
- Candid Comments by The Editor - Derek Lever
- Lever Agrees with Edwin ???????
- Stage Magic - illusion plans
- The Boy to Rabbit Illusion
- Entertaining the Under Fives - Myster Yaffe
- Part Three - Your Material and You
- It Need Not be Magi
- Ya Gotta Have Love
- Dealer's Items
- List of readers who passed the examination for "Master Magician"
- On the Road with Michael Allport - series
- Switzerland
- Small Adverts
- Book Review
- Richard Himber - The Man and His Magic
- Last Hierophant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Becoming Known - Tom Zoss
- No Gimmick Headline Prediction - Joe Bruno
- E.S.P. Poker - Joe Bruno
- 11,000 One-Liners - Edmund Orrin
- Do the Stuff That's You - Chris Carey
- The Creative Card Magic of William P. Miesel
- Gene Gordon's Magical Legacy - Gene Gordon
- Britons- - Never - -Never--Never - a bit of history from Oscar Paulson
- Ball - Ring - Square - effect
- Free Trick, complete with the Apparatus, from Magic Mag
- Personality Parade
- Bewitched Beverage - liquid effect
- Clever Card Location - card effect
- Agent's Directory
- Entertaining with Close-Up - series by Simon Lovell
- Snap Lap
- Comedy Lines - Nobby Clark
- For Kid's Entertainers Only
- Party Pieces - Trevor Lewis
- Put Some Expression Into It - Doug Alker
- Putting It Into Practice
- Do We Weep Real Tears?
- Free Advertising Section
- Hello! It's Kenny Dean
- The Koppit (Pinched from the Toppit)
- The Clever Calculator
Volume 2, Number 2, December/January 1981, 40 numbered pages plus 4 unnumbered cover pages
- Candid Comments by The Editor - Derek Lever
- Exposure - Yet Again!
- Magical Inventor of the Year Trophy
- Exclusive Magicians Club
- Discounts
- Stage Magic - illusion plans
- Buzz Saw Illusion
- Solid State Sorcery presenting The Art of Electronic Magic - series by David A.S. Howarth
- Traffic Lights
- Make Up Your Mind
- Ring A Ding
- Think a Colour
- Technicolour Thought
- Colour Coincidence
- Circuit Diagram of Touch Switch
- List of readers who passed the examination for "Master Magician"
- Reader's Letters - correspondence
- Put Some Expression Into It - Doug Alker
- Projection
- Other Uses of Expressions
- Free Trick, complete with the Apparatus, from Magic Mag
- The Card Sword
- Hello! It's Kenny Dean
- Face Ache (A Sight Gag)
- Book Review
- Ken Brooke Magic - The Unique Years
- Free Advertising Section
- Agent's Directory
- Entertaining with Close-Up - series by Simon Lovell
- Acme Coins Vanish
- Entertaining the Under Fives - Myster Yaffe
- Part Four
- Your Relationship with your Audience
- Your Attitude
- Who Says it Doesn't Pay?
- Routining
- Comedy Corner - Alf J. Robb
- Mental-Mania - Mentalism by Derek Lever
- Spirit Photography
- Number Force
- Small Adverts
Volume 2, Number 3, February/March 1981, 40 numbered pages plus 4 unnumbered cover pages
- Candid Comments by The Editor - Derek Lever
- Oh ... It's One of Those Answering Machine Things
- Exposure Once More
- The Haunted House Illusion - Derek Lever
- Mental-Mania - Mentalism by Derek Lever
- Seeing the Silks
- Miracle E.S.P. Prediction
- Matched Thoughts
- Stage Magic - illusion plans
- Caliph's Cutter Illusion
- Magical Inventor of the Year Competition
- Walking Through a Brick Wall - C. Copp
- Crazy Comperes - Ken Green & Mo Howarth
- Coats
- Hello! It's Kenny Dean
- Ken's Kabaret Illusion
- Entertaining with Close-Up - series by Simon Lovell
- Card in Dove
- Put Some Expression Into It - Doug Alker
- Some Examples
- 1. Paper Tearing
- 2. Burnt £5 Note Trick
- 3. Sawing a Woman in Half
- 4. Productions
- For Kid's Entertainers Only
- Party Pieces - Trevor Lewis
- Free Trick, complete with the Apparatus, from Magic Mag
- That's Torn It
- On the Road with Michael Allport - series
- From Cool Cats to Cold Crocs
- Copperfield to Collegiate in One Day
- Spot That Tune
- Which Face?
- Paul Daniels in the West End
- Lots of Chat
- Magic from Hungary
- Last Year's Titter
- Just Bits
- List of readers who passed the examination for "Master Magician"
- Entertaining the Under Fives - Myster Yaffe
- A Handpuppet Routine
Volume 2, Number 4, April/May 1981, 40 numbered pages plus 4 unnumbered cover pages
- Candid Comments by The Editor - Derek Lever
- report on trip to Daytona Magic
- Magical Inventor of the Year Competition
- Comedy Silk Sword - Norman Lee
- The Comedy Silk Vanish Rifle - Norman Lee
- Comedy Medal to Posy of Flowers
- Garden Spray (Flit Gun) Change to Bouquet - Norman Lee
- Solid State Sorcery presenting The Art of Electronic Magic - series by David A.S. Howarth
- The Electronic Vanishing Car
- Lightning Thoughts
- The Spirits Communicate
- The Vanishing Radio with Sound
- The Magic Mouse
- Self-Contained Electronic Jumbo Rising Cards
- Electronic Time Delay Switch
- Two Ways to Make 'em Laugh - Roy Roth
- Agent's Directory
- Reader's Letters - correspondence
- Book Review
- The Tarot Reader - Will Dexter
- The Astrological Reader - Will Dexter
- The Art of Escape, Volume 5 - The Bohemian Torture Escape - John Novak
- The Art of Escape, Volume 6 - The Mail Bag Escape - John Novak
- The Art of Escape, Volume 7 - The Thumb Tie - John Novak
- The Art of Escape, Volume 8 - The Protégé (A Full Evening of Magic and Escapes) - John Novak
- The Great Illusionists - Edwin A. Dawes
- Bob Hummer's Collected Secrets
- Comedy Linking Rings - David Ginn
- Phantini's Incredible Mental Secrets - Gene Grant (Phantini)
- Free Trick, complete with the Apparatus, from Magic Mag
- Chinese Prediction
- Put Some Expression Into It - Doug Alker
- The Ladies
- The Smile
- Don's [Don Wallace] Trick is Hare-Raising - clip from the Bristol Journal
- Entertaining with Close-Up - series by Simon Lovell
- The Unbelievable and Stunning Production of a Live Alsation Dog from Under an Ordinary Pint Beer Mug (T.U.A.S.P.O.A.L.A.D.F.U.A.O.P.B.M.)
- Hello! It's Kenny Dean
- Ken's Koin Routine
- Small Adverts
- For Kid's Entertainers Only
- Party Pieces - Trevor Lewis
- Free Advertising Section
- Discounts for members of the Exclusive Magicians Club
Volume 2, Number 5, June/July 1981, 40 numbered pages plus 4 unnumbered cover pages
- Candid Comments by The Editor - Derek Lever
- What About the Inventors of Magic?
- Exclusive Magic in the West End?
- Magical Inventor of the Year Competition
- Florida Magic Again
- Meeting Myster Yaffe - article by PeterWoolley
- Stage Magic - illusion plans
- Twin Box Illusion
- Small Advertisements
- Mental-Mania - Mentalism by Derek Lever
- Bound by the Spirits
- Ethereal Music
- The Rapping Spirits
- Levitating Spirits
- Agent's Directory
- Magical Inventor of the Year Competition
- Comedy Breakaway Table and Flash Tray Production - Norman Lee
- A Note from Father Christmas - Norman Lee
- Free Trick, complete with the Apparatus, from Magic Mag
- The Power of Seven - card effect
- Ideas with a "Jap Box"
- Free Advertising Section
- The Incredible Penetration - ring & ribbon effect by Okito
- List of readers who passed the examination for "Master Magician"
- Hello! It's Kenny Dean
- Ken's Newspaper Tear
- Ken'ss Climax to the Newspaper Tear
- Ken's Balloon Bovver
- Kenny Dean's Complete Chop Cup Routine
- Entertaining with Close-Up - series by Simon Lovell
- Optician's Delight
- Larry Becker to visit the UK
- For Kid's Entertainers Only
- Party Pieces - Trevor Lewis
- Book Review
- Imagination: The Illusions of Eugene Poinc
- The Magic Box Catalogue
- Kabbala, Volume One and Two - Jon Racherbaumer
- Comedy Warm Ups - David Ginn
- Bringing Home the Laughs - David Ginn
- The Percy Press Glass of Water Production
Volume 2, Number 6, August/September 1981, 40 numbered pages plus 4 unnumbered cover pages
- Candid Comments by The Editor - Derek Lever
- Exclusive Magicians Club News
- Commercial Magic - article by Derek Lever
- Know Your Magic Dealer - Edwin Hooper, The Supreme Magic Company Ltd.
- Free Trick, complete with the Apparatus, from Magic Mag
- Cutting Down the Odds - paper cutting effect
- The Spectator's Choice Vanishes - card effect by Myster Yaffe
- Publicity Pays - article by P. C. Woolley
- Reader's Letters - correspondence
- Free Advertising Section
- Entertaining with Close-Up - series by Simon Lovell
- The Skill Myth Laid to Rest
- Solid State Sorcery presenting The Art of Electronic Magic - series by David A.S. Howarth
- The Spirit Lamp
- A Quick Flash
- A Bag of Laughs
- Instant Sound
- The Bell Box
- Blast of Sound
- Circuit of Sound Switch
- Agent's Directory
- Magical Inventor of the Year Competition
- Comedy Cabaret Stool - Barry Seymour
- On the Road with Michael Allport - series
- U.K. Tour for U.S. Star
- Jewel Thieves - At The Palladium
- That Overused Word
- Yet More From Across the Pond
- Bits and Bobs
- British Ring Convention - announcement
- Hello! It's Kenny Dean
- Thoughts on the Thumb Tip
- The Kenny Dean Card Stab
- Small Advertisements
- For Kid's Entertainers Only
- Party Pieces - Trevor Lewis
- List of readers who passed the examination for "Master Magician"