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Magic Librarires
Reflections on the Double Card: Ascanio's Handling by Jesús Etcheverry Sale
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CARDBOARD (eBook) by Patrick Redford Sale
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Amazebook by Mark Shortland (2020 ebook download) Sale
$7.99 $20.00
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Digital Effects by Steve Beam Sale
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THIEF By Colin Mcleod Sale
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Jeff Stone's 2020 Lecture Notes Sale
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The Salt Pen by Bill Montana Sale
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Acting, Lying and Enjoying It By Ian Rowland Sale
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Profeign By Iain Dunford Sale
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Streamlining the Signs By Mitchell K Sale
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BTP Project By Micky Wong Sale
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Down The Rabbit Hole By Reese Goodley (Full version) highly recommended Sale
$7.99 $65.95
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Card Magic For The Enthusiast by Paul Hallas Sale
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Diamonds from Coal (Card Conspiracy 3) by Peter Duffie and Robin Robertson Sale
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Card Devilry by J.K. Hartman Sale
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Perform Like A Game Show Host by Scott Green Sale
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Making the Cut by Ryan Schlutz Sale
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The Magician's Pocket Reference - A Little Bit About Everything for the Working Magician Sale
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DICHOTOMIES By Jamy Ian Swiss Sale
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John Lovick - Handsome Who ? Sale
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