A sleeveless, visual, both-hands-empty true vanish of a coin or any small object.
Revolution has shattered the conventional wisdom of what sleight of hand could accomplish.
A hands-on 30 minute training video takes you through the ins and outs of this easy illusion and demonstrates applications of the miracle effect.
Revolution is such a thrill to perform that you will stand in front of your mirror just watching yourself do it and not believing what you are seeing every time.
No threads, no pulls, no loops, no magnets. No sleeves. Whatever you're thinking it is, it isn't that.
Be learning this strong effect 5 minutes from now via instant download.
Q: Am I clean at the end?
A: So clean you don't have the coin anymore.
Q: How fast is it to set up?
A: About two seconds — if you're slow.
The illusion has stumped every professional who has seen it, yet you will be performing Revolution with ease.
30 minute long download video, filled with precision details and packed with Brad Christian's own personal techniques and advice on the myriad ways to perform with Revolution and how to turn the trick into a mindbending illusion filled with grace, deception, and raw beauty.