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ABC stands for American, British, Chinese: The only 3 coins you will need to perform great coin magic!
- All the magic happens in the spectator's hand
- 4 solid "worker" routines
- Supplied with American half dollar, British old English penny, and a Chinese coin
Easy as 1,2,3
Coin to impossible location. The 3 coins are placed in the spectator's hand. The spectator chooses a coin (via an amazing new force by Wayne). Instantly the coin is vanished by the magician to appear in an impossible location.
Unique Prediction
This is a routine based on Wayne's popular effect, Triplex, but with coins. Explanation includes both a parlour and strolling version.
Mental Thief
A routine by Mike Sullivan. Enables the magician to perform a stunningly visual pickpocket routine without any prior pickpocket skills.
Bonus Routine: Snatch
A fast and very visual routine by Wayne and Mike in which the magician demonstrates lightning reflexes.
- All the routines are virtually self-working
- Precision-engineered gimmick does all the work
- Suitable for all levels
- Online tutorials that will be updated - additions will be provided as more ideas are developed!